Description of provision

From the 4th June 2012 the core service provided at the centre will focus on supporting the health and wellbeing of local older residents and will provide integration between those who openly access the centre and those who are referred with an identified additional health and/or care need.
The services and the activities provided will seek the outcomes as defined within the Joint Community Care Plan.

  • People are healthy and have a good quality of life
  • People are supported and protected to stay safe
  • People are supported to maximise their independence
  • People retain dignity and are free from stigma and discrimination
  • People and carers are informed and in control of their care
  • People are supported to realise their potential
  • People are socially and geographically connected

Service and activities

The new service will include activities that help people maintain their physical and mental health as well as bringing in other services to ensure that people have access to all they need to be independent.

The provision of a healthy cooked lunch will continue on all days of opening and this will be available to people who choose not to join in the wider activities. The provision of health and well-being activities will primarily be on Mondays and Fridays, with a more traditional lunch club provision on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The new programme will include many of the old favourites plus some new activities:

  • Arts and craft
  • Dominoes, scrabble, whist etc
  • Gardening and food growing
  • Specialist seated exercise for strength and mobility
  • Posture and balance exercise training – Otago Exercise
  • Memory games
  • Links to advice and guidance providers
  • Shopping trips
  • Hairdressing

As well as the regular programme the centre will have a variety of additional activities such as:

  • Festive celebrations
  • Joining local and national celebrations
  • Musical afternoons
  • Outings and Trips
  • Health and wellbeing fairs and information days

Who is the service for?

The Health and Well-being Service is delivered in partnership with the newly formed Highland Health and Social Care Partnership and is open to all older people within the district.
Who is the service not suitable for?
The Bradbury Centre does not provide personal or health care and therefore those with additional health and/or care needs will need assessment by a health or social care professional to identify needs and additional support requirements to enable attendance.
In some circumstances the management reserves the right to refuse attendance or ask individuals to leave the service.
These instances will include but are not restricted to:

  • those who attend under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • those who attend and are suffering from an infectious condition
  • those with an unstable medical condition
  • those with unmet personal or health care needs
  • those whose behaviour is offensive to others
  • those who present a risk to themselves or others

 Cost within the service

Morning snack, Two course lunch, tea/coffee, activities = £6.50